
目前顯示的是 10月, 2022的文章

Assignment #3 Body Language

     After reading the eight tips for improving your body language during virtual meeting mentioned in this article, there are two that I confess I can do better. One is smile, and the other is hand gesture.      Smile is the key to make a speech successful, it would show your positive and confident to audience, and they being relaxed and leisurely to listen what you want to get for them without boring and irritating. Hand gesture is a nice body language aid to make audience know what you want to expression just by a simple action, and sometimes could be a guideline of the meeting for viewer who did not know what you talk about.       Following the two tips to make your presentation more vivid. As far as I am concerned, presentation is the art consisting of  physical performances and speech skills,  you can not hold an impressive presentation without one of them. 

Assignment #2 Why do delivery apps become so popular?

 For Taiwan, the delivery apps's has already exists before the epidemic. It makes everyone eat the food they want without having to go outside. A lot of menu are available for everyone on internet, and just click it once, someone will deliver food to your door. It sould great, right?